
record THERMCORD+ – izolacijska avtomatska vrata z aktivnimi tesnili

record VRR
record VRR

The record VRR automatic locking bolts consist of a small, low-cost module that provides basic protection against burglars for your automatic sliding door. Locking is triggered automatically as soon as the operating unit or timer has received the corresponding signal. Should it do so, a steel bolt is inserted through two eyelets located at the door wings to ensure it remains in the closed position. In this way, the door can no longer slide open without use of burglar’s tools and massive force.


The configuration and maintenance of automatic door systems is a daily challenge for installers and service technicians. With i-record, our in-house developed solution, doors can be easily configured and put into operation.

The authorised technician can connect to the door via Bluetooth® using a WIDI (dongle) and the i-record app. Once the connection to the app has been established, it takes just a few clicks to put the door into operation, configure parameters and sensors, update software and carry out error analysis and troubleshooting.

record SSK
record SSK

Ključavnica record SSK omogoča odklepanje in zaklepanje avtomatskih vrat s ključem. Samo z obratom ključa se aktivirajo vsi predhodno shranjeni načini delovanja vrat. Na ta način lahko zjutraj odprete trgovino ali poslovni prostor enako kot klasična vrata, ne da bi se morali ukvarjati s časovniki ali uporabljati ločena zadnja vrata. Ključavnico record SSK je mogoče namestiti na skoraj vsako lokacijo znotraj ali zunaj stavbe.


record HEI/HEA
record HEI/HEA

record automatic doors are constructed to the highest standards of safety and reliability. During power outages, however, any automatic door will cease to function if it has not been fitted with a battery pack to enable it to open or function in an emergency. In this case, your automatic door can be provided with mechanical unlocking using a robust Bowden cable, or, in the case of break-out installations, to allow the door leaves to swing open.

record MPV
record MPV

Večtočkovno protivlomno zaklepanje record MPV je moderna alternativa tradicionalnim ročnim talnim ključavnicam. Poleg izredno učinkovite zaščite pred vlomilci je njegova prednost predvsem v tem, da zaklepanje poteka avtomatsko. S tem se izognete bojazni, da bi se zadnji zaposleni v naglici pozabil sprehoditi do vrat in jih dodatno varnostno zakleniti.

record AIR 290
record AIR 290

Record AIR 290 je aktivni infrardeči senzor, ki z ozko svetlobno zaveso pokriva celoten prostor med vrati do tal. Signal za odpiranje se sproži, ko človek stopi v področje svetlobne zavese. Primeren je tam, kjer se morajo vrata odpreti od blizu in brez dodatnih interakcij s strani uporabnika.

record AIS 290
record AIS 290

Senzor record AIS 290  je namenjen za sekundarno zaščito robov pri zapiranju avtomatskih vrat. Na voljo je namestitev v steni ali stropu oziroma v skriti različici.

record BDE-D
record BDE-D

Elektronska kemilnik BDE-D je namenjena upravljanju avtomatskih vrat record. Krmiljenje je enostavno kot pri telefonu. Med posameznimi funkcijami izbirate samo s pritiskom na ikono. LCD zaslon z osvetlitvijo ozadja nudi podatke in informacije o stanju vrat, s simboli in besedilnimi sporočili. Na voljo je več jezikov (tudi slovenski), kar na eni strani povečujejo prijaznost do uporabka, po drugi strani pa omogoče hitrejše in cenješe servisno posredovanje.

Touchless switch
record BLS 60

Bacteria and viruses are mainly transmitted through the hands. When the door handle turns into a germ spreader, this is a problem for companies, especially in the hygiene sector. On many everyday things like smartphones, shopping carts, light switches or door handles adhere to the unwelcome bacteria firmly. For hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, restaurants as well as the food processing industry the touchless switch is the perfect solution. Are the hands occupied with carrying shopping bags, anything else or by typing a message on the smartphone, the approach to the switch is enough and and the automatic door open.

In addition to the simple operation of the door, the record BLS 60 is hygienic to use, as at no time the skin comes into contact with the object.

record floor rails
record floor rails

There are various reasons for considering the installation of floor rails. Primarily designed for challenging environments, it ensures record-typical characteristics throughout the operational life of your door system.

record Opening Switch
record Opening Switch

For automatic doors that are only rarely opened, we provide this simple push-button switch. Available as a surface mounted version complete with an additional housing, or as a flush fitting, concealed version for installation in all current mounting frames.

record protective screens
record protective screens

Protective door screens supplement our range of classic linear sliding doors. They serve primarily to protect the door from damage, but also prevent malfunctions, for example when items are carelessly placed in the path of the door.

record RAD 290
record RAD 290

Pri analizi svojega neposrednega okolja detektor gibanja record RAD 290 stalno komunicira s krmilno napravo. Polje zaznavanja je definirano elektronsko. S tem je odpravljeno dolgotrajno mehansko nastavljanje senzorja. Tudi spremembe polja zaradi temperaturnih razlik so večinoma nekritične.

record RIC 290
record RIC 290

Senzor record RIC 290 je opremljen je s kombinacijo detektorjev gibanja in prisotnosti, ki sprožijo odpiranje in zapiranje avtomatskih vrat z visoko stopnjo varnosti in zanesljivosti. 

record Touchless Switch
record Touchless Switch

The contactless IR hygienic button triggers an opening impulse without having to touch its surface.

Unlike the infrared sensors of the record 290 series, the detection field of this contactless switch is very small, so that it triggers only if a targeted movement occurs in its immediate vicinity. Inadvertent triggering is thus avoided, making the record contactless switch ideal for applications in hospitals, such as when entering the operating theatre after disinfecting the hands to perform surgical operations.

record Wireless Switch
record Wireless Switch

The record wireless button is a wireless 868.3 MHz radio-controlled button that can be attached to almost any point up to 30m from the door. Pushing the button transmits a radio signal with an embedded code to the receiving unit at the door control, triggering an opening impulse. Piezoelectric technology makes the record wireless button maintenance-free, and also means it does not require batteries. Included is also an adhesive film, which enables you to attach the radio-controlled button to glass, tiles or even painted walls.
